Media interviews can make or break careers and companies.
What you say and how you say it can impact revenue, stock
price, and corporate image.
Impact coaches understand the high stakes nature of media
interviews, because our coaches are award-winning television,
radio, and print journalists who provide the shortcuts to
media success. Our clients have appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC,
CNN and numerous major-market television and radio stations.
They've been quoted in outlets including The Wall Street Journal,
The New York Times, Associated Press, The New York Post,
San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News and Forbes
plus numerous trade publications.
Our highly customized Mastering the Media program
delivers rapid results. We use the proven technique of video
playback analysis while coaching executives to maximize media
opportunities and dynamically present key messages. We customize
media coaching programs for:
Media tours |
Interviews for Web publications |
Trade press interviews
Webcasts |
Business press interviews
Talk shows |
interviews |
Radio interviews |
National magazine profiles
Crisis communication |
Services Main Page |